Results for «Abu Sufyan»

Conflict in the Nile

1h 57m

The people of Luxor decide to buy a new barge to replace the old one that was used for river transport. The mayor assigns the task to Mujjahid who is accompanied by Mohsib. A group of outlaws learn of the plan and their chief, Abu Sufyan, sends his followers to steal the money designated for the new barge.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 2

42m 03s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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